The BACT 2022 AGM and our second Annual Dinner & Awards Night (following on from the successful inaugural event last year) was held on Saturday, 10 December 2022 at the Gungahlin Eastlake Club in Gungahlin.
The AGM addressed the usual formalities, along with discussion on: work by the Match Secretary in revamping the ever-popular InterClub Teams events, with clubs to lead in managing future competitions; commencement of a review on the organisational and operational structure of BACT; how to increase sponsorships for BACT and its activities; integrity matters; and potential new clubs joining the BACT ‘family’.
The 2022 Executive Committee was re-elected (unopposed) to lead in 2023, along with a number of new and younger Associate Committee Members, including:
- Xing Huong Goh
- Cassandra Yap
- Indu Sealy
- William Cai
It is vitally important that the ‘Next Gen’ take an increasing role in the running of BACT as the Association transitions to new leadership over the coming years.
Following the conclusion of the AGM we and many others adjourned to the BACT 2nd Annual Dinner & Awards Night. The venue and food were wonderful, as was the general friendly and happy atmosphere. Eight clubs were represented with their own tables, while three others participated in mixed tables, including the President’s table. Over 100 BACT players, family and friends participated. The Awards for the juniors were provided to Terry Chen and Forrest Huang respectively. A variety of club awards were also presented to showcase the many volunteers who provide invaluable assistance to ensure that clubs keep functioning.
Some photos of the event, including the two junior award winners, are provided below.
Many, many thanks to Indu Sealey who once again coordinated the event and to the Eastlakes Gungahlin for such a wonderful facility and supporitng BACT in providing free venue hire.
This event will now certainly be a regular one on the BACT calendar.
Olaf Schuermann
President, Badminton ACT
Congratulations Terry Chen – Most improved
Congratulations Forrest Huang – Junior of the year
Northside Badminton Club
Veterans Badminton Club
Belconnen Badminton Club
16 Feathers Badminton Club
Amaroo Badminton Club
Amaroo Badminton Club
Aspire Badminton Club