ANU Closed Tournament 2023 Details Released

Registration is now open for our ANU Closed Tournament, register here.


Events: MS, WS, MD, WD, XD

Note: for doubles events, it is recommended you enter with a partner, however we will try our best to allocate one if you do not have one – please include it in the notes of your entry.

Recommendations for divisionsplease read below before you enter!

Competition Dates:

A and C grade: Saturday 22 July, 10-5pm

B and D grade: Sunday 23 July, 10-5pm

A more detailed schedule of exact event times will be released later!


Club members: $30 first entry, $20 any additional entry

Non-Club members: $30 first entry, $20 any additional entry + $7 flat fee

Location: New Hall, ANU Sport

More information can be found on our Facebook page or on tournament software. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us via email or through our Facebook/Wechat.

Best of luck and we hope to see you there!

There also may or may not be a raffle with a racquet, and racquet bag up for grabs!




The table below provides recommendations and cut-offs for choosing which division to place yourself in. Please note that these levels are cut-offs, you are more than welcome to place yourself in a higher division, but you may not compete in a lower one. Note the second column is our club’s internal grading system; relevant experience and other qualities have also been listed in the third column to help guide.

Division  ANU Level Cut Offs  Relevant Experience
Open Grade (eg. Unigames)  Elite/National Level 

Played competitively  

multiple times 

9+ years experience playing  Badminton 

ACTBA Grade: 1++

Levels 9-10  Advanced Level 

Played competitively  

multiple times 

Up to 7-8 years experience playing Badminton 

ACTBA Grade: 2

Levels 7-8  Intermediate Level 

Has some experience  

playing competitively 

4-6years experience playing  Badminton 

ACTBA Grade: 3

Levels 1-6  Beginner to Intermediate Possible Competition  


Up to 3 years experience  playing badminton 

ACTBA Grade: 4

Note: ANU Badminton Club’s Committee and the Tournament Committee reserves the right to re-grade players, reject any entries and has the final say in all matters pertaining to the  tournament. The above criteria will be monitored, and action will be taken if we find  inappropriate division choices. The purpose of these divisions is to help ensure our  competition is inclusive of all levels, and to encourage our lower-level members so please be  considerate when allocating yourself. Any egregious behaviour will not be tolerated and may  result in possible disqualification.